If your transmission is slipping, what are your options? As you’ve seen, a variety of issues can cause a transmission to slip. Likewise, repairs differ widely depending on the issue. Our highly trained technicians at Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO can recommend your best options. Here are some steps you should take to make sure your repair is as simple and cost effective as possible.
Sluggish. Squealing. Unreliable. Vibrating. If any of these descriptors fit your vehicle’s recent behavior, it just might be trying to tell you something – like it’s time for a tune-up.
Today’s vehicles differ significantly from their decades-old brethren that required a tune-up every 10,000 or 20,000 miles. With newer vehicles, it’s increasingly common for manufacturer-recommended service intervals to stretch to 100,000 miles before certain maintenance items, such as replacing the spark plugs, should be completed.
Once your diesel truck is back on the road, you’ll definitely want to keep it running strong. At Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO, we’ve got you covered.
Transmission malfunctions are sometimes hard to pin down and might even go unnoticed. A transmission slip can manifest itself in a lot of different ways because there’s not a universal or consistent way to describe it. The trained technicians at Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO can help diagnose your problem. The more details you can provide, the quicker we can help. Since it will vary based on the vehicle, how bad the issue is, and what components are at fault, here are some symptoms to look for in your SUV.
The operation of your transmission depends on your hydraulics. Even if that sounds like a foreign language to you, at Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO, we speak the automotive language. We want you to understand what we're talking about, so here are the basics of the hydraulic functions behind your transmission.
Everyone from mechanics, to your uncle that works on cars, has at some point given you advice concerning engine oil. The fact of the matter is that while we are familiar with words like “synthetic” and “oil weight,” many people don’t know exactly what the terminology means, or why common knowledge about oil exists in the form that it does. At Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO, we keep things clear and simple. The more you know about your vehicle, the better equipped you are to keep it maintained, and we know a thing or two about vehicles. We have compiled a short list of common myths for you, most of which you’ve heard, but maybe never second guessed.
In the realm of performance engines, valve adjustments are an essential part of keeping your car running its best. When you add customization to the mix, valve timing becomes even more critical, and it’s important the technician adjusting them really knows their stuff. At Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO, we’ve got you covered.
At Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO, a big part of our job is helping you make decisions that are right for you, your car, truck or SUV. When it comes to replacing a transmission there are a lot of options out there, and we’re here to help you make the right choice. Our technicians can help you decide based on your budget, vehicle and lifestyle. We're here to get your car going again and earn your business in the future.
2900 Renns Lake Rd
Jefferson City, MO 65109
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