Transmission failure is never a fun subject. But, if your transmission has finally bit the dust, don’t panic. Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO has the solutions you need that will save you time and money in the long run. We're here to help you explore all your options so you can make the best decision for you and your vehicle.
While diesel trucks are some of the best vehicles on the road today, sometimes maintaining a fleet of them can become overwhelming. Let Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City put your mind at ease, with our fleet maintenance programs for diesel fleet vehicles.
Fuel economy isn't far from the minds of vehicle owners everywhere. Why can certain cars zip along at close to 40 mpg while others are lucky to get anywhere near 20? As it turns out, there are as many factors that go into how well your ride does at the pumps! Here are the 10 factors that have the greatest impact on fuel consumption.
While your transmission can certainly fail silently, there are certain sounds which indicate you have an issue. The sooner you catch a transmission problem the better, so Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO wants you to know what to listen for.
Chances are you don’t pay much attention to your vehicle’s battery until it dies, when you get to perform the dreary dual task of waiting for a jump while simultaneously calling for an appointment to get a new battery fitted. Of course, that’s if you’re sure it’s the battery that’s dead in the first place. The only way to be certain is to take it in to be tested. However, it generally helps to know the health of your vehicle battery prior to finding yourself stranded.
At Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair, we have earned our reputation as the top diesel repair center in Jefferson City, MO. A major aspect of that reputation is our team of expert mechanics, and another is our versatility. Our technicians have the knowledge, equipment, and ability to repair or maintain any type of diesel engine, big or small.
The best way to keep your car out of the repair facility with major repair problems is to follow a basic vehicle care maintenance schedule. It is recommended that you make general visual inspections and stay on top of vehicle maintenance items. The skilled automotive technicians at Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO can assist with basic vehicle maintenance and more complex repairs. Feel free to give us a call or come by at your convenience if you have any questions.
The interior of your car can be difficult to maintain; between you, your kids, and anyone else who gets a ride from you, wear and tear on the interior of your vehicle is constant. Drinks get spilled, burn holes appear, rips and tears happen. Unlike the rest of your car, the interior isn’t made of metal, so it requires special treatment to keep it in good condition.
2900 Renns Lake Rd
Jefferson City, MO 65109
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