Good steering is an underrated and often neglected aspect of driving. At Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO, we believe in making sure you have the best vehicle possible, whether you’re driving across town or traveling long distances.
Coolant is vital to your engine. Without the right type, amount, and proper circulation of coolant, your engine won’t last long. How do you know when it’s time to check it or replace it? Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO has the answers.
If you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck, you know it’s hard to keep everything working perfectly all the time. You have to choose what to give priority to, and what can wait. However, some small problems are indicators that a bigger issue is on the way. At Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO, our goal is to keep you and your fleet going.
Whether you drive a Chevrolet, Ford, or Dodge diesel pickup, there will come a day when you have to ask the question - has the time come to get a new truck? Knowing when to throw in the towel or decide to keep the vehicle you have can be a difficult task. Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO is here to help you decide.
A good technician will give your vehicle a quick inspection whenever you have maintenance performed. Fluid levels, tire condition, dashboard lights, and a variety of other items typically are briefly explored whenever you bring your vehicle in for maintenance. At Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO, we're good at noticing things that need repair, but the fact of the matter is that only you know your vehicle. You know when your vehicle feels off when its been serviced last (or that it hasn't been serviced at all,) and have at least some vague idea of what’s going on with your vehicle day to day. Here are some questions you can ask us next time you come by the shop:
Every time you get into your diesel truck you probably forget all the safety features your vehicle has for you in case of an accident. Airbags are one of the greatest features of modern diesel trucks, though they aren’t often considered until you need them. From Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO, here’s a nod to one of the better vehicle advancements of our time and why it's important not to ignore warning signs.
At Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, we change many tires that should’ve been replaced long ago. Your tires can go for miles and miles, but there always comes a time to replace them. So how can you tell when the right time is?
2900 Renns Lake Rd
Jefferson City, MO 65109
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