Once your engine is installed, you’ll want to keep it running right. Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO has you covered. Sometimes, engines just wear out - however, most of the time they meet an early demise as a result of improper maintenance. Keep your engine running like new by maintaining it the way your technician recommends.
Once your new tires are mounted and balanced, you’ll want to keep them in good shape. To get the most out of your tires, inspect them regularly and keep up with maintenance - the difference between a tire that lasts 100k miles, and one that lasts 10k, mostly comes down to how well it’s been taken care of.
At Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO, we know that transmissions are witchcraft to most people. More often than not, if major damage has occurred, it’s a lot more time and cost effective to just replace the entire unit and get a fresh start. Here’s what to look out for, from Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO.
Every car, truck, van, and SUV on the road today has headlights. However, you've probably noticed an increase in different types of headlights in more recent years - gone are the days where every vehicle on the road had the same bulb. Here is some information on headlights, from Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO.
Whether you drive a Duramax, Cummins, or Powerstroke diesel pickup, you have an exhaust system that is prone to failure. When you have a leak that needs attention, Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO can help.
Obviously, your brakes are pretty important. At Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO, we are here to make sure your car, truck, or SUV stops like it should.
Your brake system is made of many components that all have to work correctly for your brakes to operate seamlessly. If one thing needs to be repaired, the whole system is compromised. Brake pads, rotors, hoses, calipers, and metal lines all play a part in stopping your car. Our team is equipped to make sure all of those parts are in working order, so you can be safe on the road ahead.
At Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO, it’s important to us that you see the value in the work we do. Over the course of the past decade, depending on what type of car, truck, or SUV you drive, it may seem like oil changes have gotten more expensive, and there’s a lot of differentiation in pricing at different locations. What’s going on?
When you think about diesel engines, you probably think about large trucks and machinery, and maybe a few oddball cars over the years. But how long has diesel really been around, and why is it used the way it is today? Donnie Braun & Sons Auto Repair in Jefferson City, MO has the answers you need to become more in-tune with your diesel truck and engine.
2900 Renns Lake Rd
Jefferson City, MO 65109
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